Biteabout Arts

Bespoke workshops

From January 09, 2023 10:00 am until January 01, 2025 4:00 pm
Categories: Craft Workshops
Tags: Willow, Felt, Basketry

Here at Biteabout we can organise bespoke workshops on a day that suits us both, for you and a friend, or groups of friends, or one to one tuition on a particular theme.

Prices are as follows…

One to one tuition, £200 per day

Workshops for two, £250 per day (£125 each)

Workshops for three, £315 per day (£105 each)

Workshops for four, £380 per day (£95 each)

Workshops for five, £425 per day (£85 each)

Equipment, refreshments and a delicious lunch of home-baked bread, homemade soup and local cheeses will be included.

Materials will be charged at the end of the workshop based on how much you actually use.

Please get in touch to discuss dates and further details.

Workshop - Terms and Conditions

All our workshops are covered by our Terms and Conditions. All booking fees are payable upon booking and are non-refundable.


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