Harvesting is underway. Thank you Jennifer Charlton for this lovely photo of some of last year’s harvest.
It is time to take stock. The last few years have taken their toll. We have achieved so much here at Biteabout, but perhaps taken on too many commitments, tried to do too much in too shorter space of time.
Our collection of sculptures for Wakehurst Botanical Gardens, Kew, was a major accomplishment of which we are very proud.
So many workshops, here, there and everywhere!
My husband Richard, the creator of our home and work spaces, is the heart of Biteabout and support for all that happens here at Biteabout Arts.
After years of prioritising our home over his own creative practice, it is time for him to return to it again.
Having laid the foundations for a wood fired kiln, he is about to commence construction. He is starting to fit his workshop out, which over the years has become a glorified store room and is currently developing ideas for making ceramics again.
This year I need to take things more slowly. I need to be there to support Richard and not take on too many other commitments.
We will let you know when there is more happening, but in the meantime please feel free to get in touch with any requests and we will see what we can do.
Best wishes,
Anna & Richard
You can find my work at this beautifully located cafe with local gifts...